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Erlebnisflüge & Pilot Training
Venyo B737-800NG
Flight Simulator FNPT II FTD1+2
This simulator has already been certified in the EU and was used as a training device.
✔︎ FSTD BE-FTD 001 (B737-800W) ✔︎ EASA FTD 1 / FAA Level 4 ✔︎ EASA FNTP II MCC / FAA Level 5 ✔︎ EASA FTD 2 MCC / FAA Level 6
Venyo B737-800 NG Simulator Equipment
FNPT II MCC Airliner flight simulator for procedure, training and experience flights. The B737-800 NG full flight simulator with a Collimate Visual Dome all-round view of 210 x 40 degrees sets new standards for a real feeling of flying in airliner training.
- FAA FTD Level 6
- FTD 2 - CS FSTD(A) Issue 2
- Collimate Display System 210°x40°
- Fully integrated dual yoke
- 7 Channel Force Feedback -
- 2 x FMC computers
-10 server setup
- Full functional training device
- VFR & IFR training ready
- Procedure training
- Full functional autopilot MFC & ILS