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Our instructors

We introduce ourselves

Choose from experienced airline pilots as well as pilots in training or with instructor status. We are characterized by high quality and motivated work.

Daniel LecciCaptain

Instructor Boeing B737-800NG
Head of Training, Course Management, Chief Instructor


ATPL (airline transport pilot license)

Pascal Calzaferri

Instructor Boeing B737-800NG & EC 135 T2
Training Instructor
Technical implementation, instructor

PPL i.a

Andre Betz (Instructor)

Instructor Boeing B737-800NG
Training Instructor

STI (simulator training instructor)

Michael Kesper (Instructor)

Instructor Boeing B737-800NG
STI - Training Instructor, Flight Dispacher at Swiss, Aeronautical Engineering

Markus Gemperle  (instructor)

Instructor Eurocopter EC135 T2
Training Instructor

STI (simulator training instructor)

Oli Wyss (Instructor)

Instructor Boeing B737-800NG

Training Instructor EASA

ATPL (airline transport pilot license)

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