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Flightsimulation Trainings
Erlebnisflüge & Pilot Training

UPRT (Upset Prevention and Recovery Training)
Theory + training UPRT 120min (Upset Recovery Training) Boeing B737-800NG (EASA FTD Level 2)

UPRT (upset prevention and recovery training) has been increasingly integrated into professional pilot training by airlines in recent years. Often neglected at first, it is now an integral part of airline pilots' annual simulator checks. We offer a professional UPRT on our B737-800NG FTD Level 2. The course consists of 1 hour of theory, where we first explain the procedures and processes and answer any questions you may have. Then it's 1 hour in the simulator, where you put what you've learned into practice. The aim of the course is to prepare the pilot optimally for a loss of control at very high or low airspeed and to explain what to do in the event of an accident. It is well known that practice makes perfect. For max 1 person a 120min, 60min in the theory room and 60min in the cockpit.

Airliner flight simulator for procedure, training and experience flights. The B737-800 NG full flight simulator with a movable 6 dof motion cockpit platform and an OLED all-round view of 240 x 40 degrees sets new standards for a real feeling of flying in the motion training airliner.
B737-800 NG flight simulator with Collimated Screen

FNPT II MCC Airliner flight simulator for procedure, training and experience flights. The B737-800 NG full flight simulator with a Collimate Visual Dome all-round view of 210 x 40 degrees sets new standards for a real feeling of flying in airliner training.
Heli flight simulator EC 135 T2 with 3-Dof Motion
Helicopter EC 135 T2 210 x 100 degrees Dome Projection

The EC 135 full flight simulator with a movable motion cockpit platform and a dome all-round view of 210 x 100 degrees projection sets new standards for a real feeling of flying in motion training helicopters.